Monday, March 23, 2009

U-Blog 5

Sorry it took me so long to finally enter a entry, been going around and around with my apartment complex about mold issues anyway.

This entry will be on course activities, its nothing bad but its something I have come to realize the virtual classroom is harder than the brick and mortar. Reason being while you can attend class at your time, your time becomes more pressed because you think that you can wait and before your know it deadlines passed and your dead in the water. You put work and other classes in front of the class when you know you shouldn’t and before you know it you’re trying with all your might to play catch up. While I know the virtual classroom can be effective I bare witness to its downfall which is partly my own accord. While this doesn’t reflect on the professor its shows how we as students have to make sure that even that one class we know we can take online to say work long or do other activities around school still is important as that 9:05 class Mod, Wend, Fri. I’m sure this is even more prevalent in the true business world, with people with families and a laundry list of things they have to have done each day if they can take something of the list they will. Till next time..


  1. I believe you.In this class you do not need to procastinate.Once you have a homework just go ahead and knock it out.The most important thing is to log in frequently and keep up with the updates.If you put other classes i front you end up relaxing and forgetting the time you remember about it it will be too late.

  2. I believe you.In this class you do not need to procastinate.Once you have a homework just go ahead and knock it out.The most important thing is to log in frequently and keep up with the updates.If you put other classes i front you end up relaxing and forgetting the time you remember about it it will be too late.

  3. I hear where you're coming from. I find myself waiting until the last minute on some of the assignments. It's easy to procrastinate when you know you have time to complete the work. The best thing to do for this type of class is make certain you log in to blackboard every single day, and make sure you have the assignments fresh in your mind.
